Terms of Use


Thank you for reading and using this website. If you continue to use the website you automatically agree to all legal notices, disclaimer and terms of use.


All rights reserved.  Copyright to all images used on this website belong to their respective owners.  No part of this website can be reproduced, published, or transmitted electronically without express written permission from Pierce Performance LLC. Links to other websites found herein do not indicate our direct or indirect approval of the external source, nor do they guarantee any reliability or accuracy of the source. We take no responsibility for the nature, content, or function of those sources.

All content housed on this website is owned by Pierce Performance LLC.  There are certain techniques, trademarks, and intellectual property housed herein which belongs to other sources or owners and will be cited as such.  Pierce Performance LLC and Jonathan Pierce does not guarantee or accept liability for the accuracy, safety or effectiveness of such trademarks and techniques.

Legal Notice:

The information contained on this website is not medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any particular disease and/or condition. By using, you agree to determine if any information or advice contained herein is applicable to you.  We do not assume responsibility for how the reader chooses to apply the techniques mentioned on this website, including educational or demonstrated videos, techniques, drills or exercises.

Use of the information is at the reader’s discretion and we specifically disclaim any and all liability arising directly, or indirectly from the use or application of material contained on this website.

This website is intended for educational and informational purpose only.  The information is believed to be reliable and accurate, but is presented without guarantee or warranty.  We also reserve the right to change the information or content at any time without notice.


Pierce Performance LLC is committed to ensure that your privacy is protected.  If you choose to provide contact information or contact us, then please be assured your information will not be shared or disseminated to third party sources.  We will only use your contact information according to the terms of this privacy agreement.

What we collect:

We may collect information specifically name, contact information such as email address, demographic information, phone number, address.

What do we do with the information we collect:

We require this information to understand your needs, to provide quality updates to the website, improve services and understand the goals and needs of our users, and provide services and products through Pierce Performance LLC.

We reserve the right to update and change this policy from time to time.  You are obligated to check this page to determine if you continue to comply with any modifications.


We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure.  In order to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to secure this information.